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Beautiful fresh sunflowers with leaves on stalk on bright yellow background. Flat lay, top

Coming in 2025



Hi! I'm Bec Joyno - a proud lesbian, someone who joyfully navigates the spectrum of gender fluidity somewhere in the middle, with a tiny feminine leaning. Above all, I'm a devoted wife and mum.   My career is a vibrant tapestry woven from my deep-rooted love for science and medicine, all intertwined with a deep commitment to healing and lifting others through the magic of genuine human connections.


I'm excited to integrate counselling into my work, whilst continuing to operate Australia's first and only Queer self-care package enterprise with my wife, Aj, alongside running a boutique medical recruitment firm.​ I'm currently on the journey to achieving my ACA certification, with the goal of practicing counselling in 2025. My heart is especially drawn to supporting my fellow medical professionals, the vibrant LGBTQ+ community, and empowering women.   


My academic adventures began at University of Wollongong, where I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, immersing myself in the fascinating realms of Psychology, Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, and Biomedical Physics.​ I am now completing my training to become a certified counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association so that I can officially launch Bec Joyno Counselling!


The past three years have brought significant challenges to my family, as we navigated the complex journey of childhood cancer. During this time I have been a primary carer. I have gained invaluable insights and strength, which I'm eager to share to help others navigate their personal hurdles. ​


For me, sunflowers symbolise the hope and resilience that guide us through life's journey. I invite you to join me in "following the sunflower" towards a future filled with light and promise. 


​I'm thrilled about the prospect of connecting and growing together!​ 


Cheers to our journey ahead, 


Bec Joyno (She/Her/They/Them) 🌻

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Book Now (coming in 2025!)

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well”


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My Approach

Inclusivity as the bedrock


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